Saturday, September 8, 2018

Roles of Man and Woman in the family

  • What is the woman's role in the family?
  • What is the man's role in the family?
Share your opinion. Welcome to comment on other students' opinion.


  1. In my opinion, in every family husband and wife must decide who and what will do. That is not only about actions, but also about their roles. Because the woman - is yin(preserving principle), and man - is yang(creative principle). And only if they constitute one whole, they work together and cooperate effectively. But if they separated,so they out of balance and this leads to the misunderstanding between them and disagreements.

    1. In my opinion, husband and wife shouldn't separate their obligations, because they should do everything together from the first day they have started their relationships. Because usually in the beginning of their married life they help each other, can listen to each other, understand and so on. But then men become very lazy and decline to do something, for example, washing the dishes (i don't say about cooking, because the fact that men cook better than women is known by everyone) and instead of helping their favourite women they prefer watching TV and lying on the sofa like couch potato. So and all house and family work is put on women's shoulders. And from this time of their life there are a lot of problems, quarrels,misunderstandings find their place in this family.

  2. Previously, homework and the upbringing of children were exclusively female duties, and men earned money, but now everything is changing. I think that we mustn't divide duties into men's and women's. Everyone in the family should do what he or she likes. Or if the husband and wife both don't like to do something, then they can do it in turn.

  3. I see you have similar points of view on this issue. I’ve heard about some research according to which families are happier and marriages are longer when a husband and a wife share their household chores and both take part in their children’s upbringing.

  4. In my opinion in family there is not a concept man or woman.Especially if there are children in family. There is a concept parents.A parent can’t bring up a child alone, it is not correct. Parenting is a big process in which both parents have to contribute their part. Mom can’t teach his son to hammer nails or repair anything. Just like the father can’t teach his daughter to make hair and dress nicely (conditionally). Therefore, I believe that the family is one and the concept of a man and a woman is unacceptable.

  5. I believe that in different families everyone will have different roles. rafail thinks so, i think otherwise man should contain his family. but woman should keep an eye on house. but there is a thing, that both of parents must perform. it is child upbringing. All the rest parents can share with each other. it is my opinion.

  6. I believe that everyone should have different roles in the family. everyone should do their favorite things and find ways how your favorite activity can help you make money. I believe that first of all you need to achieve financial independence. Only after that you can spend more time to with your family and think about having children. Family members should always support each other in all situations. Of course, most of the work at home (except for the most difficult) will be performed by a woman,because the man, as the breadwinner of the family, will spend most of the time at work. And when a man comes home he mustn't lie down and watch the TV, he must spend an evening with his family and help around the house.

    1. You're right to a certain extent, Vlad. But can a woman be the breadwinner of the family and get more money than her husband? In that case can she come home and relax instead of cooking dinner?

    2. In this case, the husband will have to be a housewife. But this is a very rare case

    3. It is rare now but I think the situation might change in the future. More and more women are getting high posts in different spheres of life.

  7. I think men and women should have different responsibilities. For example, a man must earn money, feed his family. The woman basically has housework, first of all cooking, cleaning, etc .. But this does not mean that a man should never do it, on the contrary he should help and show how happy he is to live with this woman. A woman should support her husband in everything and always be on his side. This is one of the basic rules of a strong and united family.

  8. It's great that you all speak about sharing responsibilites and support in the family.
