Sunday, September 2, 2018

Autobiographical Poetic Contest

Welcome to take part the poetic contest!
Follow the instructions above and write an autobiographical poem. 
Here's an example:

Line 1. John
Line 2. Tall, skinny, kind and caring
Line 3. Son of Fred and Josie, brother to Albert.
Line 4. Who loves horses, dogs, cartoons and cars.
Line 5. Who feels happy, energetic and special.
Line 6. Who is most happy when he is riding horses, out in the sunshine and on his school holidays.
Line 7. Who needs to always have his teddy near me, his pillow to sleep on and a snack in his bag.
Line 8. Who gives his brother a hand, his parents a pain in the neck and his friends a giggle.
Line 9. Who fears spending time in the principal's office, snakes and being sick over the holidays.
Line 10. Who would like to see Uluru, more stars at night and have more money in his wallet.
Line 11. Who most enjoys eating junk food for dinner, spending time with his brother and camping.
Line 12. Who likes to wear his dad's boots, his brother's clothes and his oldest T-shirt.
Line 13. One day he is going to be a cowboy with his horse.
Line 14. Stanley


  1. Artyom
    Tall,sportive, cheerful and lazy
    Son of Alexey and Zhanna, brother to Marina
    Who loves family, sleep, money and fun
    Who feels energetic, pleasure and something else
    Who is most happy when he in good company, with money and away from school
    Who needs free time, good marks and feel happy
    Who gives fun, many diffrent emotions and somtimes disappointment
    Who fears sermons, armies and giant spiders
    Who would like to see all world, all around happy and yourself in the list of forbes
    Who must enjoys relax with friends, eat tasty food and do nothing
    Who likes to wear t-shirt, shorts and sneakers
    I'm tired of figuring out what to write ...

  2. Good beginning, Artyom! The Forbes list is a cool idea :)

  3. Daniil
    Smart,friendly,funny and honest
    Son of Sergei and Natalia
    Who loves family,cats,cars and silence
    Who feels happy, energetic and cheerful
    Who is most happy when he in the family
    Who needs good marks , feel happy and his cat
    Who gives his parents pride in their son , his friends a smile and fun
    Who fears loneliness, lie,betrayal
    Who would like to see Japan,all his friends happy and all his relatives healthy
    Who most enjoys snowboarding, fishing and spend time with friends
    Who like to wear jeans,shirt and sneakers
    One day I will greatly surprise you

    1. No doubt, Daniil, you will surprise us! Hope in a good way :)

  4. Alexey
    High, gambling, lazy, sociable.
    Son of Svetlana and Sergey .
    Who loves money, dogs, books and vinyl records.
    Who feels sleepily, relaxed and tired.
    Who is most happy when he is outside the city, with a laptop and outdoors.
    Who needs to always have some money and the phone.
    Who gives youth jokes and disputes.
    Who fears burn to death and lose arms.
    Who would like to go to a more developed country and live outside the city.
    Who most enjoys eating sandwiches and read fiction.
    Who likes to wear jeans, sweaters and sneakers.
    Live as this day is the last, and one day it will turn out like this. And you will be fully armed.

    1. Alexey, your last line reminded me of the famous Nickelback's song "If today was your last day" which has an amazing video clip.

  5. Ann
    Creative, sensitive, active and kind-hearted,
    Daughter of Dima and Tanya, sister of Arina, Danik and Nastya
    Who loves pets, reading, cooking and Ireland
    Who feels inspired, optimistic and sleepy
    Who finds happiness in playing the guitar, watching movies and traveling by car with parents
    Who needs music, dog and more spare time
    Who gives good piece of advice, smiles and books for others
    Who fears jellyfishes, depth and small places
    Who would like to see all countries, the deepest places of the ocean and baby pigeon
    Who most enjoys heart-to-heart conversations, horse riding and handing out with friends
    Who likes to wear dresses, jeans and sneakers
    I will think about it tomorrow

    1. Ann, I hope you will admire the beauty of the ocean depth one day!

  6. Vlad
    Tall, simple, honest, sportive
    Son of Yury and Elen, brother of Makar
    Who loves loneliness, sport, sleep and eat
    Who feels tired, hungry and healthy
    Who is most happy when he achieves his goals, sleeps and communicates with someone on personal topics
    Who needs more free time, more energy and silence
    Who gives good advices, good mood and honestly
    Who fears to be paralyzed, big spiders and maniacs
    Who would like to see himself successful in any sphere, more confident and happy
    Who most enjoys spending time with good people, doing sports and sleeping
    Who like to wear shorts, T-shirts and sneakers
    I remembered a lot while writing this

    1. Well, in my view, it's impossible to be successful in any sphere. Try to find your way!

  7. Rafail
    Smart,creative,witty and tranquil.
    Son of Makhir and Tatsiana,brother of Samira,Nurlana and Mukhammed.
    Lover of life, a good conversation and falafel.
    Who feels confidence, tension and the air around him.
    Who find happiness in music,sunset/sunrise and in helping someone else.
    Who needs food,serials and sleep.
    Who gives a smiles and good mood around him,and also interesting thoughts.
    Who fears spiders, stupid people and being burn on bonfire.
    Who would like to see what is in dark hole, New-York and Large Hadron Collider.
    Who enjoys new things,beautiful views and summer(which ended).
    Who likes to wear ring, sneakers and vest.
    Wear your heart on your sleeve.

    1. I've never heard the phrase "Wear your heart on your sleeve". I like it.

  8. Polina
    Hardworking,responsible,noisy and creative
    Daughter of Anna and Igor, sister of Vlad
    Lover of serials,English and singing
    Who feels happy,unusual and a little bit tired
    Who finds happiness in creative and clever people, in making no homework and in studying English
    Who needs delicious food,a lot of cloths and enough pocket money
    Who gives not bad advice,kindness and beauty
    Who fears snakes,sharks and dark places
    Who would like to see USA,Portugal and England
    Who enjoys spending time with friends, going to the cute cafes and travelling
    Who likes to wear jeans,sneakers and T-shirts
    Be happy and never forget to dream

  9. May your dreams come true, Polina!

  10. Kate
    Sociable, mad, energetic, hardworking
    Daughter of Tanya and Dima, sister of Matvey
    Lover of food, dogs, beautiful places
    Who feels unbelievably happy, a little bit shy and ready to work hard
    Who finds happiness in spending time with family and friends, success and sport
    Who needs knowledges, support, desire to work
    Who gives a shoulder to cry on, energy and love
    Who fears snakes, cows and wars
    Who would like to see Times Square and the Statue of Liberty in The USA, The Eiffel Tower in Paris
    Who enjoys dancing, sleeping and having fun with friends
    Who likes to wear comfortable clothes, sneakers and sometimes dresses
    Everything is up to you. So never give up and you will achieve your aim

    1. Great, Kate! Never give up! Giving up is the easiest thing we can do (Victoria Azarenko)

  11. Nastya
    Kind, smiling, persistent, pragmatic
    The daughter of Liubov and Maxim,
    Lover of reading, watching serials, animals and traveling
    Who feels happy, energetic and curious because of the future student life
    Who is most happy when she is spending time with friends, walking and search for new beautiful place
    Who needs a little bit of silence, sweets and more time in a day
    Who gives smile, kindness and good ideas
    Who fears to do something wrong, be late and seem ridiculous
    Who would like to see all countries of the world, the Aurora and the location of my favorite films
    Who enjoys large holidays, night city and tasty food
    Who likes to wear dresses, overalls and shirts
    Live in such way that later you can say that you are really happy

    1. Great poem, Anastasia! I don't think you should be afraid to do something wrong. Making mistakes is natural, human. The point is that we should learn from our mistakes.

  12. Veronica
    Creative, hardworking, skinny, sometimes unpredictable in a good way)
    Daughter of Valentine & Maksim, sister of the little sunshine whose name is Timur.
    Lover of traveling, movies and tea.
    Who feels happy, optimistic and a little bit shy.
    Who finds happiness in the smiles of others, in the love of friends and family and probably in journeys.
    Who needs support, more free time and a little dog.
    Who gives not bad piece of advice, who will give a helping hand and an umbrella if the weather is bad.
    Who fears of the darkness, snakes and ostriches in the zoo.
    Who would like to see the Netherlands, England and all seven wonders of the world.
    Who enjoys dancing, traveling and new meetings.
    Who likes to wear jeans, t-shirts and sneakers.
    Color your life with all colors of the rainbow. Don't save paints. Live brightly.

  13. Thank you very much for your amazing poems! You're all talented and smart students. The winners of the contest are the authors of the most original and touching poems: Rafail and Veronika. Congratulations!
