Friday, September 14, 2018

Big or Small family?

Which is better: to be an only child in the family or to have a big family with many siblings? Share your opinion. Don't forget to comment on other students' ideas.


  1. I'm only child in my family, but I don't feel myself so. Many years I live in one flat with younger cousins. Summer holidays I spend with another two cousins. I don't have siblings but I always feel that I'm elder sister. I thing that it is very good to have so many relatives, because each of them is special in his own way and you will never be alone. But I think that if you have a big family you must have a strong character. You must be able to protect your borders.
    Also children in big family won't be egoists. Because they know that they are not the centers of the world, that they must share, that they are responsible for somebody.
    But of course not all children from small families have these qualities. First of all it is about babies late in life.

  2. I’m strongly for a big family! In my opinion having a lot of siblings is really mean never be alone. You can always ask for help your elder brother or sister. They can teach you and say about their’s life experiences. But it goes without saying that it’s very hard to keep “peace” and order in your house. A lot of noise can annoy you sometimes, if you are an elder one in your family. But for me it’s all can and should be decided peacefully. And I also agree that even this is hard. But on the hand if you can explain some important staffs to your siblings you will never have problems with your own children in the future.
    So that is way I want to have my own big and friendly family!

    1. I go along with Polina's point of view,because I always dreamed of having an older brother or sister, despite any problems and minor quarrels. After all, brothers and sisters, these are the best friends who accompany you all your life.

    2. In my opinion, being an only child in a family is better. First of all, you get all attention of your parents and they can buy everything you need. We are led to believe that if you are an only child in a family you can become spoilted. However, in reality it depends on parents, how they will raise (educate) you. Futhermore, there is no one who can disturb you (except parents) while you are doing your own business. I'm afraid i can't agree with Polina about loneliness of being an only child, because i think that it depends on your personality and character. The third reason is that a small family is more close-knit than a big family, because people in such family spend more time with each other. Besides, in the terms of our economic situation it's hard to have more than one-two chidren because things really cost a lot. This is my arguments about having a small family.

  3. I prefer a big family. Of course, there are some difficulties, f.e. you spend a lot of money on your family, you're not the only child and you're not get all attention and so on. But on the other hand, you have a lot of people, who love you, support you and care about you. You know, that if you have problems, you have people, who will help you, who will listen to you and they will be always on your side. If you love your family and your family loves you, then any difficulties will become insignificant. And what is the most important thing, that you know, that you're not alone. You know, that you have home, where you can come and see a lot of faces with eyes full of love. Yeah, there can be noise, but you don't feel loneliness and this is important.

  4. I think that the best situation is when a family has two children. It isn’t so hard to control what is happening in the family as if you have three or more children. On the other hand, they can learn how to react on different incidents in their lives, how to contact with other people, etc. A child can rely on their sibling in a hard situation and isn’t afraid of ridicule or indifference.
    I’m an only child in the family and sometimes I feel lonely, because I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

  5. Guys, don't forget to comment on other students' comments. Just say sth like "That's a great idea, Nastya, but in my view ... " or "I support your idea, Gleb, that ... . On the other hand, ... ".

  6. I have a big family,and I like it.I have two younger sisters,and sometimes I can manipulate them. For example they can do housework instead of me. Of course I kidding....... probably. If you have sisters or brothers you never alone,it's not always good for me. Sometimes I want be alone,but I can’t. But I think this is’t the most important. I think the more sisters or brothers, the better. Because in the future you will have someone who will always help and support in a difficult moment.

  7. In my opinion, having two children in a family is the best option, because it is twice as mach reason for joy and fun, twice as mach reason for holidays and gifts, twice as many reasons for meetings and conversations. Of course, this is twice as much reason to experience and hassle, but it can not be compared with the love and care that you can give the family.
    I have a younger brother, whom I love endlessly. Because he is so optimistic that his smile charges me with cheerfulness and positive mood for the whole day. I do not know how he does it, but he can make any of the most boring things to come up with an exciting game. Of course, we sometimes have disagreements and minor quarrels, but in our family it is not customary to take offense, so such quarrels are almost never felt.
    I promise myself that I will help to my brother learn lessons, solve any problems, play, laugh and have fun with him, because when I was a child I always wanted to have an older brother or sister. So I think big families are great!

  8. I’m strongly in favor of Polina’s thoughts as I think so. I like to be in a company with someone else so that for me a big family is a dream, no, it is an aim for all my life which I hope will be achieved. Yes, of course,it’s hard to support a big family, but there is nothing better in life than smiles of your relatives, feelings which make you happy because of brother’s wins in football, every day morning hello’s and when you leave home and go to school you hear “Have a good day, sweaty!”
    Furthermore, living in a big family is another way to find yourself, to become open hearted, to learn how to communicate with different types of people and, of course, how to be a human. Moreover, children will do everything together, spend time doing interesting things and by this way they will become more close-knit and have new things in common except that they are family.

    1. Veronika and Kate, thank you for sharing such touching ideas!

  9. I think that every family has its pros and cons. Everyone is free to choose which family he wants to create. For example, a large family is an infinite number of happiness and cares. Everyone around you supports, and you support and help him. It's probably very interesting and vivacious to live. Although there is a negative side. You can not please everyone and disagreements always happen in a big family. So it's a lot of worries and endless fuss. Such a family should be united, then it will be happy.
    I'm still more for a small family. I like silence and do not like a lot of cares around the house. People who are dear to you and are always ready to help and listen. Hmm, about the number of children in the family, everyone decides for himself. It is more interesting for children to develop and play together, but it is very important that no one feels deprived.

    1. Very argumentative point of view, Artem! Well done!

  10. For each person this question is individual. Someone likes when there's a lot of fuss around and there's a feeling that life is on. But someone likes the completely opposite situation. And if you are the owner of the family, then you yourself have the right to choose what kind of family you will have.
    I prefer silence and quiet, that's why when I try to concentrate on something and my little brother starts interrupting me, I start to go crazy. But if I had a brother or sister with whom I would have a difference in 1-2 years, it would probably be interesting.
    What will be my future family? Right now I can not answer, because I think that it's too early for me to think about it.
