Sunday, February 3, 2019

My ideal school

What is your ideal school like? Share your opinion and comment on other students' opinion. You can use the ideas from your Exam Preparation Book Text 3 p. 9 as well as your own ideas.


  1. We all have different ideas about our ideal school. For me, ideal school is a place, where no student is forced to learn. It seems to me that it's the learner who should ask questions. Give us the freedom to ask questions and do help us find answers. We decide which subjects we need for our future and focus on them. Of course, we can't forget about other subjects, but teachers should understand, what we need. A school should always have a soul. There should always be laughter ringing through the corridors.

  2. You know, right now i've got a lack of ideas about ideal school. But, I can definitely say what things should be changed. First of all,the way of learning. Most teachers teach uninteresting and stingy. Maybe, if they had changed the way they taught information, used such techniques as master classes, trainings, then the effectiveness of the training would increase.
    Secondly, remove subjects that are not interesting to students from the program. Some of the students, for example I, already know from the 6th grade, what they are interested in and what are not. So some of the subjects become useless for us, and just wasting our time.
    And in the end - what should be is practice! For me, practice is much more important than theory, because it gives a real idea of what we are learning. A good example, so to speak.

    1. I agree with your ideas for 100%! You definitely should become a Minister of Education and turn them into reality ;)


  3. As for me, ideal school is a place, which can admire you do achieve new and enormous goals. Where teachers aren't only someone,who can teach you subjects,but also someone for whom it would be for pleasure(not for a salary). I know that tastes differ and it's impossible to please everyone. But, like Rafail said, lessons will be better if teachers star using some modern technologies or it can be kind of entertaining activities. Moreover I know that problem is not only in salary. Nowadays in our country we haven't got many good and qualified teachers with a big bahage of enthusiasm for work. That is why we haven't got a good system of education. Nevertheless, I consider that if you want to study sth, you can do it anyway, no matter what

    1. I really like your ideas. I think, that it can help our educational system.

  4. All of us aren't perfect, but it's these rough edges and "flaws" that make us unique. Similarly, a school can't be equally ideal for everyone, but there are indispensable qualities in adulthood that we get in school life.
    I believe that the most important thing that we can get in school, besides knowledge and certificates, is a good life experience. Because it is here we find friends who accompany us throughout our lives. We learn from our mistakes, because at the age of 17 it’s impossible to learn from others. We develop positive qualities in ourselves, because bright thoughts are also a weapon.
    Therefore, the ideal school is the one that
    we will create ourselves. It is our choice to learn and try, like a sponge to absorb all the information or not learning at all. We choose with what people we are communicate. We choose whether to participate in the extra-curricular life of the school or sit aside. And in the end, we choose our own ideal school.

  5. Most of us feel that the education let us down, doesn't give us skills and abilities that will help us thrive in life. And mostly our education does not prepare us for our real future, real decisions and real relationships. That is why so many of us feel lost, confused and devoted further. That is so, because at school we learn what to think, but not how to think. And the ideal school for me is the one that not only gives us the knowledge of Math, English, Science, History or Geography. This subjects already equip us with knowledge, ideas and thoughts, they are already make us understand things, they already improve our memory. The ideal school for me teaches us such things as empathy, kindness, compassion, being able to have emotional intelligence, being able to be aware of ourselves and aware of others around us, knowing how to communicate effectively, knowing how to respect others beliefs and boundaries, knowing how to read in between the lines of others people's thoughts and emotions. We have never been trained to understand ourselves or understand others. This ideal school would save us so much time and so much energy.

  6. School is where we spend 11 years of our life. Personally for me in perfect school children can choose subjects that they want to study. Maybe in primary and secondary schools children should study all subjects, but in high school they are adult enough to choose what they really need and what is really interesting to them. Of course students cannot completely exclude any subject, but they can minimize number of this subject and the severity of questioning.
    Teachers are also very important. If teacher is not interested in the topic, then he or she will never explain it so as to interest the students. I believe that in an ideal school subject should be taught by people who sincerely love their job. And for this teachers need decent working conditions and a fairly high salary.
    An ideal school should have a pleasant atmosphere. The interior should be cozy. For me it means space with armchairs or bag chairs, big caffe with tasty food and maybe tables on the street to eat there when the weather is warm.

  7. Speaking about something Ideal, you shouldn’t forget that in our time nothing and no one can be perfect.
    But I know that if all my dreams come true one day, the first thing that will be changed is our schools. And no, I’m not complaining of system of education, books and some opportunities, but I think every school in different corners of the planet need some upgrades.
    In my view, the Ideal school isn’t a place you hate going to, but a place you enjoy attending. Also it will be a great idea, if everywhere students can read some motivated and positive notes, papers. It will help them to stay cheerful and be keen to study, do some activities, make friends and just enjoy their childhood.
    Moreover, I’m dreaming about studying only those subjects that I love and will need them in my future life.
    And the last but not least, schools must provide children with different events, competitions, make them more close-knit and develop creativity and communicative skills.

  8. Thank you guys for sharing your opinion. Let's hope that at least some of your dreams will come true and our system of education will improve.
