Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Men make houses, women make homes

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The proverb says, “Men make houses, women make homes”.
What does it mean? Do you agree with the proverb? Why/Why not?


  1. You know, there are many opinions about that question. And i've got my own one. So, i think this saying fair for old fasioned people, because they grew up in the world in which the man is person who earn money, and his wife equip his house. But today times has changed, and the man not the only worker. Business woman is the usual thing today. It means, that woman earn money on equal terms with men. And now man can be the one who "make home". As for me, i'd prefer to work and bring money in my family, instead of sitting home and making house order.

  2. I think this saying still applies even today.It does not necessarily mean that men are the only ones working and woman stay at home. Rather the presence of a woman or a mother makes it a home. The woman might also be working but the fact that she still takes care of the family and the love and warmth she gives them makes it a home. There is only so much a man can do without a woman, but when she is there the atmosphere she creates makes it a safe haven or a home.
