Wednesday, November 7, 2018


We can't believe all the stereotypes about different nationalities. What do you think about it? Why should we be suspicious of stereotypes? Give advice on how to avoid stereotypes.


  1. Well, of course, many stereotypes are wrong, but there are also those that are true. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the stereotypes carefully. You can’t completely add your opinion about a person, based on the stereotypes about his nationality, because you can hurt his feelings. Always after you start communicating with a person you need to know him better. And only after this you should make your opinion about him without relying on stereotypes.Now at days , stereotypes are really common and of course many people can be like this stereotypes , but many of them are not .

    1. Actually, I think you’re right that we can hurt people by trusting stereotypes. Also it seems to me that stereotypes can not only insult someone's feelings, but in some cases ruin the relationships between people.

    2. I totally agree with you. All people are different and you can never trust stereotypes. You can keep them in mind when communicating, but you should not judge a person by them.

    3. I agree with Danik. You need to look at stereotypes not as an absolute truth, but as separate traits.

  2. To my mind, you should not neglect stereotypes. After all, some of them may be true. But you don’t need to trust them completely, because you can hurt the feelings of people you communicate with. You need to find a golden mean and look at things sensibly. You can't judge a person by stereotypes of his nationality, because each human is unique, and he/she may be a good person, even if stereotypes suggest otherwise. But you need to know a person well to understand the true stereotypes or not.

    1. I completely agree with you. It is impossible to protect oneself from a person because of the stereotypes that society has imposed on us. You should always try to get to know him or her better, and only then draw conclusions.

  3. Polina Kovchuk:
    Stereotypes are everywhere. For instance, in our daily routine. At work,at school etc. What I'm trying to say is the fact that stereotypes are inevitable.
    We can often hear that a good student is someone who works hard,who does all the homework,especialy who wears the uniform otherwise, you are a bad student with no perspective. But,don't you think that these are all kind of stereotypes. I know a lot of men and women who has never been manageable students like their teachers wanted them to be,but nevertheless they all became the high qualified businessmen and businesswomen.
    To sum up, I want to say that we really can partly avoid the spread of stereotypes! You don’t have to listen and believe in every opinion! Find out everything on your own and then discuss it with the others. Maybe in this case there are less bad stereotypes.

  4. I think it is impossible to avoid stereotypes, because people prefer to hang tags without understanding what kind of person he or she is. But if we accepted people as they were, if we didn’t evaluate and condemn them, look at people through the prism of our upbringing, our morals and stereotypes, then everything would be completely different.
    We must allow people to be as they are. We must learn to accept people and situations, because we have the choice: to accept everything as it is or constantly fight( in our case with stereotypes). Can we do something with what is raining? Can we not accept it? For example, we woke up in the morning, opened the curtains, thought it was sunny outside, and it was overcast. And then there is sadness because we didn't accept the situation. But the weather needs to be accepted, and people need to be accepted. Of course, when it rains, we can make some effort, we can warm up, get an umbrella with us. But accept the weather!!! We have no choice. We can't influence on weather forecast, we can't affect society, the behavior of other people. We can do something not to get wet, so that people don't influence on us. Accept people, but not be infected by their actions, qualities, words. And we will see what kind of happiness and freedom it is when we do not fight with other people, but lead it with ourselves, changing ourselves and doing better.
    After all, if each of us begins to change this world from himself or herself, and not from others, then we will all change this world and make better together.

    1. I like the way you compare people with weather. Very nice!

    2. I couldn't agree more with you, Veronika. Weather is a very unusual and interesting way to explain and to make it clear everything about stereotypes and how to avoid them!)

  5. In my opinion, there are true stereotypes and false. Some stereotypes are reasonable and really true. Another is said jokingly or based on a very small number of people. First of all, every person is special. In the second, national stereotypes, I think, bring only negative, especially when they are false. You can read stereotypes before the trip, for example, but never trust them without talking to people. Well, each person should choose for himself whether he believes in stereotypes or not.

    1. I agree with your point of view. I also think that if a nation has bad stereotypes, it can spoil the impression of the whole nation. So I don't believe in many stereotypes.

    2. I absolutely agree with everything. Everyone chooses to believe or not to believe in stereotypes.But many of stereotypes created of the large number of cases,I think.

  6. Good comments but don't forget to react to your classmates comments as well.

  7. Any person has an established opinion to certain actions. This is called stereotypes. I am not exposed to the opinion of the majority and I do not think that a Russian goes with a balalaika and a bear to the store for vodka. The Frenchman eats frogs and croissants. American fast food, and Italian pasta and pizza. Stereotypes are a sign of a close, poorly educated and manipulable person. I am not like that, I break stereotypes.

  8. I think that we shouldn’t believe all the serotypes. Of course some of them can be true, but you must be very careful. Because of the stereotypes, you can have a definite opinion about people you don’t even know. I think that this is not correct. You must first know these people by yourself, and then create a definite opinion about them. But this doesn’t mean that all stereotypes aren’t true. If stereotypes have appeared, then there must be a reason. They can give you a common characteristic of all people of this nationality. But it isn’t insignificant that each person will fit this characteristic since we are all different. You can get to know stereotypes, but always remember that you shouldn’t affect your attitude towards people you don’t know by yourself.

    1. I completely agree with you, because all people are unique and we need to know a person well to say true stereotypes or not.

  9. Stereotype ? What an interesting word!
    But, do you know what it means?
    Well, surfing the Internet I have found that it is something like standard image of different things starts from types of nationalities and ends... So, it has no ending at all.
    To make it clearer, stereotypes are everywhere. For example, our sweet home. It is said that women should spend more time at home with everyday cooking, tidying up, bringing up children instead of working, having their businesses as well as men do. Meantime, we know many women who are the rulers, the bosses in their job, for instance, our principal in Gymnasium. She is a woman! In Great Britain the main person is the Queen!
    One more example of stereotypes-cosmetics. It is believed that cosmetics was made only for the most perfect side of the humanity-girls and women. Today many young boys don’t go out without their favorite lipstick or an eyebrow pencil. And a lot of people are considered that these boys have problems with their lives. But, to my mind, nowhere is written “Boys mustn’t use cosmetics!” It is equal to «Girls aren’t allowed to wear jeans!” ( Only because boys wear jeans every day).
    So, everyone has an opportunity to decide what to do during his/her life.
    To conclude, I want to add that while I was writing this post I understood one thing : I have too much stereotypes in my head which don’t allow me to do what I want, maybe even to make new friends.
    All in all, I am pretty sure that to avoid these “strange” thoughts in my head I must make no difference to what people say or think about me ( except my nearest). I know it’s my life, my own story. And is it really matter what people say to you? If someone tells you can’t do it, you will stop ??? I hope your answer is NO!

    1. Thank you, Kate, for such a personal comment. Listen to your heart and be yourself!

  10. In my opinion, stereotypes can be very dangerous not only when communicating, but also in real life. So one experiment was conducted. Different images appeared on the screen, like a man with a gun or a handset, and people were given the choice to shoot or not to shoot. And it showed that people often shoot innocent people with dark skin, regardless of their own. So you can pay for the stereotype of someone's life. Therefore, you should not believe the rumors and popular opinion and make your own.

  11. For me, stereotypes can be positive and negative. But basically, most stereotypes are not true. For example, national stereotypes are formed on the basis of some traditions and values ​​of states. For example: if in our country some national dishes are prepared from potatoes, this does not mean that in our streets every person comes with a bag of potatoes on his back and in his other hand he holds a potato like an apple. About countries you can find a lot of different stereotypes, both bad and good. But when you want to visit, for example Russia, what will be your surprise when you don’t see bears and people with balalaikas on the streets? Basically you will see not very friendly and gloomy people who are always in a hurry, because most of them live like that. But there are also bright, cheerful and happy people.But they are very few.
    Each belongs to stereotypes in their own way. I hardly believe stereotypes. Some people believe stereotypes.

    1. Huh. Your examples with potatoes and balalaikas are fantastic.

    2. I am strongly in favor of your idea, but there is something I don't agree with. And it is about positive and negative stereotypes, because every person decides what is good or bad for them on their own. For example, you can say that it is bad to be modest and another person thinks that it is not as bad as you considered. The same thing is about stereotypes. Good or bad (positive or negative) hard to say.

    3. I think you consider only the most popular and incorrect stereotypes. There are true and so it is not necessary to completely reject them

    4. Thanks for your comments. I like it.

  12. Stereotypes are a part of our life. And very often they can hurt a person, insult him.
    Let us imagine life without stereotypes. Let us think about how often it is important for us to label a person, to put concrete around him by judging him. But reality is much more fluid, and good and bad are often incomplete stories that we tell ourselves. By gripping tightly to the story of good or bad, we close down our ability to truly see a situation, to know a person. We learn more when we proceed and loosen our grip and proceed openly with curiosity and wonder.

    We all have a choice. Like a person offered to swallow a red pill or a blue pill, we can choose to see differences of other people as bad; we can believe that the good path was the path that erased as many differences as possible. Or we can accept our differences without judging each other. We have to see each other’s strengths, and celebrate us for who we are

    Can you imagine what we are doing by saying something like: “People of this nationality are harsh and arrogant. And people of another nationality are agreeable, respectful and tolerance” When we label a person bad or good by using stereotypes, we rob them of their humanity, along with not only the messiness and complexity that that title brings, but the rights and dignities as well.

    We are all humans. And that is a lot. And that have to be enough to try to avoid stereotypes.

    1. Wow. Your comments are amazing. Point of view is perfect. I'm completely agree with you

    2. Great comment, Ann! I support your idea that we should avoid labelling and judging people.

    3. Very interesting reasoning. I totally agree with you. Each person is individual and stupid to judge all by stereotypes.

  13. Mentality consist of character traits,which contains stereotypes.Stereotypes can be wrong and mislead a person.But they didn't create themselves, stereotypes based on real life and real cases.
       The use of stereotypes is a major way in which we simplify our social world,since they reduce the amount of processing we have to do when we meet a new person.By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. Stereotypes lead to social categorization, which is one of the reasons for prejudice attitudes.
        So maybe stereotypes are not as bad,as it seems at first glance.I agree that it is impossible to make an complete portrait of a person only by stereotypes, but it is quite possible to describe it in brief.
