Friday, November 16, 2018

International Day for Tolerance

Share your opinion on tolerance:

  • What are the reasons for intolerance?
  • Why is tolerance important nowadays?
  • Are you a tolerant person?
  • Can you recall any experience of being intolerant towards others? How did you feel then?
  • Can you recall any experience of other people being intolerant towards you? How did you feel then?
  • Do you think people should be more tolerant to each other in their everyday life? Why?


  1. Nowadays intolerance is spreading more and more every day. There are a number of reasons why people are intolerant to each other. I think the main is religion. What I mean is that today many people are selfish, arrogant, straightforward and they don’t appreciate and respect others feelings, choice, views on life, religions and etc. That is why some people are considered that they are more powerful, more luckily, more respectful. The main problem is they are persuaded that they are perfect, do everything right, all people should be like they are. And if there is someone who has distinguishes, for instance, colour of skin, clothes, something unusual for “alright people”, they always try to make these people feel small, avoid with them communication and do everything to exclude their rights for word, for life.
    To tell the truth, when I was a bit younger sometimes I was intolerant to others feeling and honestly I am really ashamed now. So, now I can’t understand why people are so rude, so selfish, so negative. Why is it so important what colour your skin is or what nationality you are? Your friends, your family love you just because you are who you are!

    1. You are absolutely right, Kate, simce we are all "in the same boat now".

  2. Let's start with the fact that I consider myself a tolerant person. I respect each person, not looking at his skin color, hair, well-being, religion, and so on. I think that all these factors should not affect my attitude towards a person.
    The reasons why people are intolerant to others are different. However, I believe that above all is ignorance. Because, in order to accept others and their various aspects of life, one must first of all know one’s essence and respect oneself. If you do not respect yourself - you do not respect anyone. There are other reasons, such as fear, prejudice and banal racism.
    To be tolerant in our time is very important. The world does not stand still, it develops, grows, and together with it the interaction of people on the entire planet grows. How can you pleasantly and productively interact with a person to whom you are not tolerant? The answer is simple - no way. So it is important to be tolerant, both for each person and for the whole of humanity.
